please stop !!!
thats is exactly the real answer for what happens..
thats the answer for that 9 january things..
after all the suffer..all the pain..sacrifise..
"please stop"
is the word that i wanted to hear from u..
u release my pain..
u create a new world for me..
a world of hatred..
haish...what a messy guy i am..
work so hard
thinking so damn deep..
just to stop ryte here..
aku adelah budak bodoh yg amat bodoh dan sgt bodoh..
thats is exactly the real answer for what happens..
thats the answer for that 9 january things..
after all the suffer..all the pain..sacrifise..
"please stop"
is the word that i wanted to hear from u..
u release my pain..
u create a new world for me..
a world of hatred..
haish...what a messy guy i am..
work so hard
thinking so damn deep..
just to stop ryte here..
aku adelah budak bodoh yg amat bodoh dan sgt bodoh..
everybody needs to b a fool for once in their life..mgkn ni masenye ko jadik bodo n hambar..
xpe, esok masih ada
thanx badek..u help me a lot..
aku xtahu la..
idop ni mcm amat xadil bg aku..
i do nothing wrong..
but god continuosly test me ..
hope i can face all of this..
dunia ni xpernah adil.
kata lubye..
dion, ko pernah dgr lagu aliff aziz x?
tajuk dia stop.
memang dunia nie mcm tak adil tapi awak jgn pasrah...awak kan lelaki tak kan benda kecil nak surrender awal kot...awak nie golongan pemimpin jgn menyerah sebelum awak diserang...
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